Is Window based hosting service is supported in Bluehost?
No. Bluehost’s web hosting is on Linux platform. So, features like Cpanel, Root Access is available for users to manage their website in a simple and effective manner.
No. Bluehost’s web hosting is on Linux platform. So, features like Cpanel, Root Access is available for users to manage their website in a simple and effective manner.
No. Bluehost can help you to migrate up to 5 websites and 20 email accounts for a charge of $149.99.
No. The security and back up come as an add-on along with the hosting plan. Thus, you have to purchase Sitelock and Codeguard basic with your plan.
Yes. With all dedicated server plans you ought to get one Domain and an SSL certificate free.
Bluehost is one of the recommended hosting services by Wordpress Organization. When you enrol for any dedicated hosting service, you get to access the free Wordpress.