There are some things you can do to make your shared hosting work as well as possible.
Use a Content Delivery Network: It is one effective method to offload the delivery of static files to faster servers. This will greatly increase your page speed and decrease your hosting resource usage.
Use a caching plugin: If you are running a WordPress site or Drupal, make sure you have application-level caching set up.
Minify and combine resources: It is not a necessity to have a dozen different stylesheets and six different JavaScript files. These can usually be combined into single files and minified.
Compress files: Use gzip to make files as small as possible.
Keep your apps updated: Most security problems can be avoided by simply keeping all of your installed applications updated to their latest versions.
Don’t host your own media: Use YouTube or Vimeo to host your videos. Use Soundcloud, iTunes, or another service for audio.
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